Let’s start with the basics. The first thing to know is that there are several different models of body composition. Below we will explore the two most common models.

What are the 2 components model of body composition?

1. Fat Mass
The substance everyone seems to always have too much of and is always doing their best to get rid of. However, body fat is necessary for the body to function: Body Fat allows the body to store energy, protects internal organs, acts as an insulator and regulates body temperature, among other things. Nobody can have 0% body fat, and maintaining body fat percentages lower than 4% is generally regarded as inadvisable for long-term health.

2. Fat-Free Mass (FFM)
Fat-Free Mass is what it sounds like – all the mass in your body that is not attributed to fat. Your FFM contains a variety of different components, all your internal organs, skeletal muscle mass, water, etc.  Everything that is not fat can be lumped into the category of Fat-Free Mass.

From these two values, your body fat percentage can be deduced by dividing your fat mass by your total body weight. If your goal is to determine only your body fat (not lean body mass, muscle mass, etc), procedures that utilize the 2C method can be used to determine your body composition.

Body composition definition
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For a more detailed body composition analysis, you have to use methods that break the body into more components, such as the 4 component (4C) model.  The 4C model divides your body weight into water, protein, mineral, and fat. 

1. Body Water
Adults are more than 50% water. Your body fat, muscles, blood, and other bodily fluids all contain water.  These components can be further broken down into the water contained inside your body’s cells (intracellular water) and the water outside your cells (extracellular water).
2. Protein
This is a reflection of the protein contained in your body’s muscles.
3. Minerals
Your body contains minerals that are primarily contained in two places: in the bloodstream and inside the bone tissue.
4. Fat
Here are some less common (but important) body composition terms:
  • Dry Lean Mass (DLM): Your Dry Lean Mass is the combination of the weight attributed to the protein and the bone mineral in your body.
  • Lean Body Mass (LBM): Your Lean Body Mass is the combination of your DLM and body water.
  • Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM): Not to be confused with DLM or LBM, Skeletal Muscle Mass are the muscles that are connected to your bones and allow you to move. These are all the muscles that can be grown and developed through exercise (your pectorals, biceps, quadriceps, and so on).

These terms together give you a more sophisticated way to think about and approach both your body weight and your health. Put simply, you’ve got to know your body composition if you are serious about reaching your health goals and improving your quality of life.  Without knowing what you’re actually made of, you can only guess at how much muscle and body fat you actually have. Guessing leads to frustration, frustration leads to indifference, and indifference leads to quitting.



  • Accurate measurement: The InBody device provides precise data on body fat percentage, muscle mass, body water, and more.

  • Non-invasive test: The analysis is conducted using bioelectrical impedance technology without discomfort.
  • Quick results: Within a few minutes, users receive a comprehensive report detailing their body composition.
  • Personalized insights: The data helps individuals understand their health and fitness status for tailored goals.
  • Track progress: Regular InBody tests enable monitoring changes in body composition over time.
  • Professional guidance: Our personal trainers can use the results to offer customized advice for clients.
  • Scientific validation: The InBody technology is backed by research and recognized in the medical field.
  • Comprehensive breakdown: The report includes segmental analysis for different body parts.
  • Versatile applications: Suitable for fitness enthusiasts, health clinics, athletes, and wellness programs.
  • Conclusion: InBody body composition analysis is a valuable tool for understanding, tracking, and improving overall health and fitness.

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